Dev Log - Pre-Production

In our first week of this semester there where still a few smaller pre-production things we needed to do before we fully got started. A few of our documents, mainly our master schedule did need some updating since we got a few dates wrong. We also created our user stories and backlogs to plan our future sprints. There's still a little work to be done in this department which should be resolved pretty quickly. Below are some of our brainstormed items for the backlog.

My main goal to finish off pre-production work was to help create our team's art bible, providing direction for sprite creation. This includes things like colours, shading, and resolution. Given that the sprites our artist's made for our proof on concept were pretty similar in style without any planning, I think we shouldn't have a hard time making something cohesive now that there's an actual plan. I also created a reference sheet for the main robot character which will hopefully help whoever ends up doing it's sprites along with any cut scene images. Attached are a few sections from the art  bible.

Since our proof of concept wasn't done in engine the repository was also something that had to be set up this week. Right now there's basic menu and scene changing functionality with the core mechanics hopefully being added over the next few weeks. I'm not a programmer for this project, so I couldn't say exactly how fast anything's going to be done but Todd has been working at a great pace so far.

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